Now is the perfect time to give the gift that gives back to our community.
Recipients of our scholarship awards stay in touch as they continue on their academic paths and many choose to give back to Dover Sherborn.
When you give a tax-deductible donation to the DS METCO Scholarship Fund, you are not only giving directly to our students -- you are giving back to our community.
Please give before 2025 and you'll be automatically entered to win a luxe basket of DS gear.
With appreciation,
The DS METCO Scholarship Fund board
The Dover Sherborn METCO Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was incorporated in 2017. We aim to elevate our METCO program by offering a DS METCO alumni-run mentoring program for high school students, and by committing funds to our graduates as a vote of confidence and a way to say “we believe in you.” DS METCO students are eligible to apply in the spring of their graduating year and the following four years post-graduation. We are entirely run and organized by volunteers, and we are entirely funded by private donations.
We are not affiliated directly with the DS METCO Program, though we work together on events and outreach.
(Pictured left: Jazmyn Francis, award recipient)
In the 2021-2022 school year, the Board voted to expand our mission and offer scholarship awards to our DS METCO graduates who are 1-4 years beyond their DS graduation. The application is slightly different and students must submit letters of recommendation as well as a written or video essay answering the prompts. With this award, we hope to lessen some of the financial burden and remind the students and families that our community walks with them as they move on into the world.
Congratulations to our inaugural award recipients!
The mission of the DS METCO Mentorship Program is to build strong relationships with current high school juniors and seniors to further understand the individual nuances of their experiences and to help the students make the most of the invaluable opportunity before them. The mentors aim to forge reliable relationships with the students,
The mission of the DS METCO Mentorship Program is to build strong relationships with current high school juniors and seniors to further understand the individual nuances of their experiences and to help the students make the most of the invaluable opportunity before them. The mentors aim to forge reliable relationships with the students, to serve as a sounding board and to help guide students towards taking vital steps for a successful transition for life after high school. As DS alums, the mentors are uniquely positioned to provide valuable insights to students given their first-hand experiences in the DS METCO program. The medium-term goal is to grow the number of mentors to ensure an effective mentor-to-mentee ratio for all DS METCO students grades 9-12 for years to come. Our graduates and award recipients are next in line to become mentors in the future.
Amira Abdal-Khallaq (Class of 1997)
Regina Cooper (Class of 1999)
Lamar Cardinez (Class of 2009)
Award Recipients
Bryan McLean
Emilio Cabey
Ava Pilwah
Alana Price
2024 Post-graduation Awards
Mekhi Robinson
Mekhi Robinson
Sanyah Earl
Jamiyah Malloy
Juretha Olivia Cooper Memorial Scholarship
Makeilla Pires
2023 post-graduation Awards
Tylan Mendes
Efosa Imade
2022 Post-graduation Awards
Ary'anah Johnson-Garvin
Tylan Mendes
Princess Irvin
Tahnai Sanders
Timothy Cofield
Collins Imade
Shayne Williams
Inaugural Juretha Olivia Cooper Memorial Scholarship:
Briahn Bruno
Tahnai Sanders
Ary'anah Johnson-Garvin
Briahn Bruno
Leroy Irvin
Tylan Mendes
Cedric Cooper
Shania Barboza
Nydea Franklin
Princess Irvin
Aleaya MacFarlan, Senior Class President
Abdell St. Paul
Jazmyn Francis
Imahni Bruno Reeves
Congratulations to all -- we wish you success!
Juretha Olivia Cooper was a METCO advocate and the proud parent and grandparent of five Dover Sherborn High School graduates. A high school honor student herself, she emphasized the importance of achievement to her children. She made sure three daughters, a granddaughter, and a grandson made their early morning busses for the opportunity at a great education in one of the top public schools in the state. This award was established to honor Ms. Cooper’s lifelong dedication to education.
The Juretha Olivia Cooper Memorial Scholarship is a one-time scholarship for one METCO high school senior in the Dover Sherborn community with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who completes 40 hours of community service in their home community over 4 years of high school, and demonstrates strong leadership qualities as indicated by one recommendation from a staff member, teacher, advisor (the student may use a copy of a college recommendation), or mentor. Students will, also, be required to submit an essay on leadership and their future plans.
Since graduating from Dover-Sherborn I’ve been able to enjoy three successful years at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. During my time there I have had the ability to extend my passion for football all the way up to my junior year of college. I started school as a Crime and Justice major and along the way my curiosity led me to pick up a second major in Health and Society. I worked hard enough to achieve Dean’s list honors in my freshman and sophomore years at Umass Dartmouth. In my junior year, I was able to achieve Chancellor’s list honors. Now going into my senior year of college my focus has been on what my next step is. In pursuit of that answer, I found myself attending a pre-law program in June 2022 at Suffolk University. This program helped me learn that a career in law is what I want for myself in the future. With the help of the DS METCO scholarship, I’ve been able to take the first step in creating that reality for myself. The money awarded to me was put toward a prep class for the LSAT because the score you earn greatly affects your potential for getting merit scholarships and the kind of law schools that you can realistically apply to. The foundational skills and lessons I learned while at Dover Sherborn prepared me for life after high school and with the continued support of Dover–Sherborn as well as my soon-to-be alma mater UMass Dartmouth, I will be prepared for life after college.
Lamar Cardinez was born and raised in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Lamar’s mother, Mariam, signed him up for the METCO program before he was born after hearing about the program from a family friend. When Lamar was eight years old he began attending Pine Hill Elementary School and would remain in the Dover Sherborn Regional School system until he graduated high school in 2009. Lamar went on to attend Northeastern University on a full-tuition scholarship and would ultimately earn a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration. Upon graduation in 2014, Lamar went on to work for the National Football League (NFL) as a member of their two-year leadership rotational program. Lamar then received his MBA from Cornell in May 2018. Lamar is currently an investment banking associate at Guggenheim Partners in New York City. Lamar and his wife Italia founded a scholarship fund at Northeastern University to assist incoming Torch Scholars with the costs associated with purchasing technological necessities.
Dover Sherborn METCO alumni have gone on to colleges and graduate schools, like Boston University, Purdue, the University of Massachusetts (Boston, Dartmouth), and Providence College.
Are you an alum?. Please contact us and we'll connect you with our alumni board members: DSMETCOScholarshipFund@gmail.com
(Pictured above: Imahni Bruno-Reeves, award recipient)
Donating through the website is just one way to give! We are always working on strengthening relationships, making connections and contributing to our community events. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss giving options or volunteer opportunities.
Pictured above: DS METCO Scholarship Fund Presidents Kate Potter and Mila Clark with DS METCO Director Monique Marshall-Veale, METCO Inc CEO Milly Arbaje-Thomas, Wilmary Tejada and Lerato Vilakazi-Jackson at the celebration of 50 years of DS METCO.
For METCO, Inc, the mission is to provide students with educational opportunities designed to enrich their academic, personal and interpersonal experiences.
In Dover and Sherborn, one of the highlights is the METCO Family Friend program that creates opportunities for students and families from Boston and students and families from Dover and Sherborn to spend time together outside of school hours.
Throughout the year there are several half days for elementary students when they have a few hours before the bus takes them home to Boston. The PTO at Chickering and the CSA at Chickering bring in programming on those days that is open to Boston students, their friends, siblings and families.
Our board includes DS METCO alumni, parents of current and former DS METCO students, parents of current and former Family Friends, and interested community members.
Kate Potter, President
Mila Clark, President
Sarah Cole, Treasurer
Regina D. Cooper Benjamin
Akilah Coward
Tenzin Dengkhim
Shemica Debnam
Tylan Mendes
Imahni Bruno Reeves
Advisory members:
Lamar Cardinez
Lynn Jameson
Jennifer Grinell
Your donation is more than a gift;
it's a vote of confidence in a young person and a boost that directly helps a a graduating senior or a student 1-4 years after graduating as they strive to further their education.
It's a way of saying that you value diversity and equity in education in our community.
It's a way of saying the precious words: "I believe in you."
$1-$249 Scholarship Fund Advocate: contributes directly to the annual awards
$250-$500 Silver Scholar: funds a new laptop, suggested for most college students
$501-$999 Giving Elite: funds books for one year of college
$1,000-$1,999 Platinum Benefactor: supports transportation to and from college, as well as music and sports fees
$2,000+ Founding Family: helps us grow and award more and more
We are happy to honor loved ones with memorial or honorary gifts, or with named scholarships.
You may also email us to discuss donations, recurring commitments, or other special requests. Any amount is significant!
Because of YOU, we are able to award valuable scholarships to each qualifying
DS METCO graduating senior and for qualified applicants 1-4 years beyond graduation. That's a true vote of confidence from Dover-Sherborn.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax deductible.
Please enter your mailing address when prompted if you would like to receive a letter from DS METCO Scholarship Fund stating our tax exempt status.
To receive occasional updates, enter your email address below. We send 3 or fewer communications using this list each year.
For information on the METCO Program in Dover and Sherborn, please see the brochure below or visit https://doversherbornmetco.org/.
Also visit METCO, Inc of Boston at http://www.metcoinc.org for general information on the Boston METCO Program.
METCOBrochure2021 (pdf)
DownloadMonique Marshall-Veale is the METCO Coordinator for the Dover Sherborn School district. While she isn't on the board, her office currently serves as our mail box.
DS METCO Scholarship Fund
c/o DS METCO Office
155 Farm Street
Dover, MA 02030
Copyright © 2024 Dover Sherborn METCO Scholarship Fund - All Rights Reserved.